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Year 10
Summer Photography Challenge
Over the summer you are expected to take a series of photographs based on a set of given words.
For more information click the image.
Year 10
The Basics: Skills and Techniques
This mini project aims to help you become familiar with the manual settings on your camera, composition of photographs and presentation methods.
Year 10
Abstract and Strange
This project explores various ways in which you can be inspired while considering the overriding theme of taking Abstract and Strange photographs.
My example site can be found here:
Year 10
Cutout, Combine and Reuse
During this project you will explore using restrictions within your work. This could be only using secondary source imagery, only having access to only a few resources to shooting on a particular setting.
You will also experiment with both digital and hand editing methods while you work. Your progress will be recorded via a digital platform such as Google Sites or Slides.

Year 11
Mock Exam
You will be given a selection of exam themes, taken from past GCSE photography papers. You will have to select ONE theme and develop a body of work based on that theme.
All the assessment objectives must be covered and the work will count towards your portfolio of work.
Year 11
You will be given a selection of exam themes set by AQA. You will have to select ONE theme and develop a body of work based on that theme.
All the assessment objectives must be covered and the work will count towards your exam unit (40% of your final marks)
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