How do I...Present my work?
You have taken your photos and now you need to present the results in your sketchbook or online record.
This is where you can demonstrate your ability to reflect and review your ideas.
What to include?
1. Intentions
What did you photograph on your shoot?
Discuss any photographers/artists who have influenced your work and how they have influenced you.
Are you happy with the results from the shoot? What would you change if you could do it again?
What concept, message or meaning did you intend to communicate or explore on your photo shoot?
2. Experiments
Take your best images and experiment with them, exploring possible variations using appropriate techniques, for example computer editing techniques, printing on different materials etc.
3. Enlarged Images
Present your best images on a large scale in your sketchbook.
If you have edited any show the unedited versions next to your edited versions, however make the unedited photo smaller in size, so not to seem more important and draw attention away from your “best” work.
4. Annotations on Image/Series
​Select best/ favourite photograph from the shoot and write about it in detail using the 'My most successful photograph' handout.
Use the guides and handouts that I provide, these will give you guidance on how to achieve the best results.